About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I'm a Christian man, Married with three grown children, two who are married.

Monday, March 9, 2009

getting started

I don't know how many people are just like me but I suspect quite a few. I am a man filled with all kinds of thoughts and opinions and, until lately, I mostly expressed them to people who were of the same mind.
When I started expressing my opinions to other minded people I was challenged in a way like never before. It's one thing to express yourself to someone who agrees with you and quite another to someone who does not. One has to be articulate and to the point in a way that does not offend the other persons sensibilities, while getting them to think about what you have to say. I've often thought I'd like to start a blog or something but never took the time to get started, until now. Well here goes...

The afore mentioned man is nearing the end of his forties and will be fifty before he knows it. The question I keep asking myself is what have I done with all of that time? I read the obituaries and am astounded at what people have accomplished in their life times and here I am just now starting a blog!
In my blog I will cover all sorts of things that interest me. For instance, I love food and drink, I like to travel, and I like people. I like to talk and as I said before I am very opinionated, which will give you a hint about what I mean when I say I like people. I like introducing others to those things I've experienced, and while taking you there with me may be the most effective way of sharing, it is impracticle. This then seems to be the most efficient method , well, we'll see .
For now,